Sports Day

Sports Day

Friday, 10 May 2013

May 10,2013 New on our blog..

Last night I uploaded to Youtube our most recent oral history video. This talk was by Norma Sealey and was most entertaining. Even if you were there for the live event I think if you watch it again you will hear some things you missed. I know I did.
Also new on the blog is the 1958-1959 Graduation photo for Royal Oak. They all look so   so    so   young.
Now that we are meeting at our new “dark” hall we need help with some lighting for the videos. If you know anything about this or know someone who does please let us know.
And, I have resurrected my old computer as a backup for all the information we have collected but I do not have a monitor for it. If anyone cares to donate their old one it would be appreciated. It does not have to be large but just for space a flat screen is necessary.